Home » Harris Calls Trump 'Fascist Bent on Unchecked Power'

Harris Calls Trump 'Fascist Bent on Unchecked Power'

by alex

She expressed concern that Trump wants to build a dictatorship in the United States.

US presidential candidate Kamala Harris called her opponent Donald Trump a “fascist” who seeks to “unchecked power and loyal generals.”

Harris made this statement after it became known that Trump had previously repeatedly expressed admiration for the German dictator Hitler, reports The Guardian.

Harris was thus commenting on the words of Trump's former campaign manager John Kelly, who said that Trump complained that he does not have generals who swear allegiance to him in the same way that military leaders served Hitler in Nazi Germany.

“Donald Trump is becoming increasingly unhinged and unstable, and in a second term, people like John Kelly won't be around to act as checks on his tendencies and actions. Those who once tried to stop his worst impulses won't be around to restrain him anymore,” Harris said.

She noted that the latest information suggests that Trump “doesn't want a military loyal to the U.S. Constitution”: “He wants a military that will be his personal, that will do his bidding even if he tells them to break the law or refuse to swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution.

She said that while it's clear that Trump only wants unchecked power, the question is “what do the American people” want, who will go to the polls in two weeks to vote voting.

“It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would reference Adolf Hitler, the man responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans. This is a window into who Donald Trump really is, from the people who know him best. “It is clear from John Kelly's words that Donald Trump is someone who, and I quote, certainly fits the general definition of a fascist, who essentially swore to be a dictator on day one and swore to use the military as his personal militia to carry out his personal and political vengeance,” Harris said.

Recall that it was previously reported that Trump praised Hitler and dreamed of his “loyal generals”.

In addition, we previously reported that Harris made a statement about Trump's role in deciding the war.


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