Home » “Hacker attack”: in Russia they complain about problems with the Kremlin website

“Hacker attack”: in Russia they complain about problems with the Kremlin website

by alex

During Putin's press conference, the Kremlin website was attacked/Collage 24 Channel

Russians online are massively complaining about problems with the Kremlin website that arose before Putin’s so-called “direct line”. The occupiers claim that the resource allegedly became a “victim of a hacker attack.”

Users on Russian social networks, as well as a number of Russian telegrams, report this. channels. The Russian President's website is currently operating intermittently.

Russians complain about “hacker attack”

Users claim that the Kremlin's website began to work poorly before Putin's big press conference. Russians complain that the site does not load at all or opens every once in a while. Russians have more problems when opening the computer version of the site, but from smartphones the site allegedly works, but also intermittently.

A number of propaganda telegram channels stated that the site of the Russian president allegedly attacked by hackers. However, official departments do not comment on the situation or disruptions in any way.

Russians complain about a hacker attack on the Kremlin website/Screenshot from the network

Putin made a number of cynical statements on the “straight line”

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  • The Russian President traditionally stated that the goals of the so-called “special operation” have not changed and Russia demands “denazification”, “demilitarization” and the neutral status of Ukraine. In addition, Putin said that Ukrainians and Russians are “brotherly peoples”, therefore a “civil war” is taking place in Ukraine.
  • Putin also said that in the “special operation zone “About 617 thousand Russians are participating. In addition, he clarified that allegedly, as part of partial mobilization, 300 thousand occupiers were drafted into the army.
  • Also at the press conference, Putin traditionally blamed the United States and European countries for all the problems , and traditionally presented Russia in the role of the so-called “victim”. He justified Russian aggression by the fact that such actions were led to by the decisions of other countries.
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