Home » Gunzburg assessed the danger of alcohol for those vaccinated against coronavirus

Gunzburg assessed the danger of alcohol for those vaccinated against coronavirus

by alex

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: a glass of champagne will not worsen the production of antibodies to COVID-19

Photo: Pixabay

Director of the Gamaleya Center Alexander Gintsburg spoke about the dangers of alcohol for Russians recently vaccinated against coronavirus. He also recalled that one should not abuse alcohol, reports TASS.

Gunzburg assessed the effect of alcohol on the formation of immunity to COVID-19. He stated that on New Year's Eve, you can afford a couple of glasses of champagne, since they will not worsen the production of antibodies.

“It is not necessary to give up alcohol completely on New Year's Eve, one or two glasses of antibodies will not interfere,” said the head of the Gamaleya center.

The scientist added that the abuse of alcoholic beverages has a detrimental effect on the body, since it inhibits the work of immune cells and constricts blood vessels.

“In people who are prone to hypertension, this is another additional risk factor for strokes and heart attacks. In general, alcohol weakens the immune system and subsequently increases the susceptibility to coronavirus infection, ”concluded Gunzburg.

Earlier, the narcologist Ruslan Isaev urged to abandon the use of strong and carbonated alcohol on New Year's Eve. He advised Russians to choose low-alcohol drinks, especially dry wine.

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