Home » Green bonds hit record levels

Green bonds hit record levels

by alex

According to a study by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), they reached a volume of 270 billion dollars in 2020.

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According to a study, global green bond issuance reached a record level in 2020. They totaled $ 269.5 billion (€ 221.66 billion), according to a report published on Monday by the London-based non-profit association Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).

However, the total was only slightly above the 2019 figure of $ 266.5 billion, as the Corona crisis has meanwhile significantly slowed the issue of papers.

Further increase expected

For this year, the CBI expects the volume to increase significantly to between $ 400 and 450 billion. “2021 could make a sustainable recovery possible”, the CBI expects.

Green bonds are fixed income securities that have been marketed since 2007. The capital collected from investors when it is issued must be allocated to specific energy and environmental projects that are intended to contribute to the sustainable and climate-friendly restructuring of the economy.

The largest market in the past year was the USA with a total volume of 51.1 billion dollars, followed by Germany with 40.2 billion dollars and France with 32.1 billion dollars.

The German federal finance agency wants to expand the area of green bonds this year. A bond with a 30-year term is to be offered for the first time.

Last September, the federal government launched a green bond issue for the first time, which aroused enormous interest at home and abroad. It has a term of ten years. The first five-year bond followed at the beginning of November. Among other things, the money is intended to promote sustainable transport systems and reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles.

The federal government is comparatively late with green bonds. Countries like France and Denmark, as well as companies and banks, have been issuing such papers for some time. This year the USA should also become even more active in the market – not least spurred on by the new President Joe Biden, who prompted the USA to rejoin the Paris Agreement shortly after taking office.

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