Home ยป Greece will complete the wall on the border with Turkey due to migrants

Greece will complete the wall on the border with Turkey due to migrants

by alex

Greece will more than triple the length of the wall on the border with Turkey, completing a section of about 26 kilometers. CBC reports this with reference to the Greek authorities.

The construction will cost Greece about 63 million euros and should be completed by the end of April next year. Its goal is to prevent a massive violation of the border by migrants from the Turkish side.

Although the flow of illegal immigrants has significantly weakened thanks to coronavirus restrictions, Greece will strengthen the entire border (with a total length of 192 kilometers) with additional surveillance cameras and mobile sirens to scare away migrants.

On March 5, Turkey sent about 1,000 special forces to protect refugees on the border with Greece. Ankara said that Athens plans to push illegal migrants back to Turkish territory.

On February 29, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country had opened its borders with the European Union for Syrian refugees and would no longer close them. After that, Turkish Interior Minister Suleiman Soylu said that Turkey allowed more than 100 thousand refugees through its borders to European countries, who arrived in the province of Edirne, which borders Greece in the north-west of the country.

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