Home » Government leaves easing open

Government leaves easing open

by alex

Even on the day before the next Corona summit talks, the government does not decide whether there will be further easing in March. This will depend on the numbers and the assessments of the experts, it said in a written statement. In view of the rapidly increasing number of infections, especially in the east, it is somewhat surprising that one speaks of a stable infection process.

Image: APA (Schlager)

After all, 2,457 infections were recorded on Saturday. That is roughly double the number before the resumption of classroom teaching and the opening of trade three weeks ago. 769 infections were reported in Vienna. That is almost four times the value at the end of the strict lockdown.

Nevertheless, it is said from the government that the opening steps of February 8, with the associated tests, have not yet shown a massively increasing trend in the development of new infections. However, the increases in the past few days must be carefully analyzed and taken into account when discussing further steps. They don't want to jeopardize the current stable situation lightly.

The experts who were invited to the Chancellery on Monday are already known. This goes from the virologist Dorothee von Laer to the epidemiologist Eva Schernhammer, the Vice Rector of the Med Uni Vienna Oswald Wagner to Herwig Ostermann from Gesundheit Österreich GmbH. You will also be present at the consultations with the opposition and the state governors.

The situation for the government is somewhat complicated. The economy is putting massive pressure on, for example, to open the catering trade with entry tests. Then there is the entire cultural world that wants to resume its work. Last but not least, the sports organizations are pushing for relaxation in the amateur and leisure sector. Several provincial governors had also stood out in recent days with opening requests, both from the ÖVP such as Thomas Stelzer (Upper Austria) and Johanna Mikl-Leitner (Lower Austria) and from the SPÖ such as Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ).

On the other hand, there are the medical experts who, for the most part, warn against easing the situation in view of the obviously more contagious British variant, which is already dominating the infection process. On the contrary, the traffic light commission has even recommended a withdrawal as soon as a nationwide incidence of 200 / 100,000 inhabitants is reached. The last time it was 149, it was already approaching the 200 mark in Lower Austria and Burgenland. It should be noted that the British variant first spread to the east.

The government is pleased to say that Austria is now carrying out around 2.5 million tests per week and is thus among the top players in the world.

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