Home » Gorbachev said arrogance hit the head of the United States

Gorbachev said arrogance hit the head of the United States

by alex

Former USSR President Gorbachev: arrogance hit the head of the United States after the collapse of the Union

Mikhail Gorbachev. Photo: Tatyana Makeyeva / Reuters

Former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said that arrogance hit the head of the United States after the collapse of the USSR. His words on Friday, December 24, are quoted by RIA Novosti.

So he answered the question whether it was possible, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, to build relations with the United States without hitting the sovereignty of Russia.

“How can one count on equal relations with the United States and the West in such a situation? This is the first thing. Second, and no less important, is the triumphant sentiment in the West, especially in the United States. They were struck in the head by arrogance, self-confidence. They declared victory in the Cold War. But together we pulled the world out of confrontation, out of the nuclear race. No, the “winners” decided to build a new empire. This is where the idea of expanding NATO came from, ”the ex-president said.

In November, Gorbachev said that relations between Russia and the United States should not turn into a “dialogue of the deaf.” Gorbachev recalled that at a meeting in Geneva, Russian President Vladimir Putin and American leader Joe Biden reaffirmed their commitment to the principle of non-nuclear war

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