Home » Google cofounder's air taxi company divested of key engineer

Google cofounder's air taxi company divested of key engineer

by alex

Kitty Hawk, an American air taxi company, is faced with an unpleasant situation. Due to internal disagreements, she had to fire key engineer Damon Vander Lind.

The dismissal took place back in May, but this became known only now, writes Engadget. It is reported that one of the most important employees of the startup “fought” for a long time with Google co-founder Larry Page and the company's CEO Sebastian Thrun.

The subject of the dispute was the company's vision of the future. Page and the head of Kitty Hawk wanted to build a larger version of the Heaviside air taxi capable of autonomously carrying up to two passengers with a remote pilot as a backup. Wandel Lind, in turn, considered this venture too risky.

Note that initially the startup wanted to launch its developments for mass use back in 2020. Perhaps solving the problem with contradictions within the company will finally get things off the ground.

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