Home ยป Girlfriend Juanita: 800-year-old mummy found in bag of food delivery man, with whom he shared a room

Girlfriend Juanita: 800-year-old mummy found in bag of food delivery man, with whom he shared a room

by alex

It turned out to be the mummified body of a 45-year-old man, not a woman, as the courier thought.

In Peru, namely in the city of Puno, the police detained a courier with a cooler bag in which he carried an old mummy.

Writes about it BBC News.

The courier attracted the attention of law enforcement officers with his strange behavior. During a search of his cooler bag, they found an antique mummy in a fetal position, wrapped in bandages.

Girlfriend Juanita: 800-year-old mummy found in bag of food delivery man, with whom he shared a room

According to the man, he inherited the mummy from his father. He named her Juanita and kept her in a box in front of the TV in his room. He considered the mummy “something like a spiritual friend.” True, when the mummy came to his father, he found it difficult to answer.

On the day of the detention, the food delivery man was on his way with Juanita to visit his friends.

According to experts, the age of the mummy is from 600 to 800 years. Most likely, this is a 45-year-old man, 1.51 meters high, and not a woman, as the courier suggested.

The mummy was wrapped in bandages and laid in a fetal position, which is typical of many pre-Hispanic burials in this region of Peru.

Before the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Peru, many different cultures practiced mummification. Some were buried, while others were taken out for public display during large festivals.

The police seized the mummy from the courier and handed it over to the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, which deals with the country's cultural heritage.

The man who transported the mummy and two of his friends were detained and taken under investigation because of possible crimes against the cultural heritage of Peru.

The day before, Japanese experts completed a study of the mummy of a mermaid, which was believed to be almost 300 years old.

We add that a mummy was found in Egypt. This is the white mummified body of a boy with 49 amulets.

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