Home ยป Germany says Lavrov showed deep disregard for Ukraine's democratic choice

Germany says Lavrov showed deep disregard for Ukraine's democratic choice

by alex

Russia stands for something quite the opposite.

Ministry Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Burbock commented on the words of the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov.

He said that his occupying country wants to overthrow the legally elected government in Ukraine.

The answer of Minister Burbock is given by DW.< /p>

“No one can now argue that Russia stands for anything other than the complete subjugation of Ukraine and its people,” Burbock said in Prague.

According to her, Lavrov's words that Russia “will help the Ukrainian people”, “once again demonstrated the deep level of disregard of the Russian authorities for the democratic choice of Ukraine.”

Recall, Foreign Minister Ross And Sergei Lavrov complained because allegedly Ukraine does not want to negotiate with Russia. The head of Russian diplomacy was also indignant that Ukraine plans to defeat the aggressor country in the war.

Also on the night of July 24, during an air raid in Nikolaev, the sounds of explosions were heard. The air raid alert in the city was announced at 03:43 and lasted 46 minutes. The Russian military attacked the city.


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