Home » Germany rushed the EU to test the Russian vaccine

Germany rushed the EU to test the Russian vaccine

by alex

The head of the federal state of Bavaria, Markus Seder, hastened European regulators to test and approve the Russian and Chinese vaccines against coronavirus. He made the corresponding statement in an interview with Welt.

Vaccinations in the EU are slower than in the US and China due to drug supply disruptions, Zeder said. The politician expressed concern that this, in turn, could lead to an economic lag in the region.

Zeder called on the European authorities to take decisive action to remedy the situation. In particular, the politician suggested increasing production capacity, rather than relying on several factories. “We also need to check if other vaccines can also be approved. European regulators should study Russian and Chinese vaccines as soon as possible, ”he stressed.

In recent weeks, the EU has faced a number of problems in the supply of vaccines for the coronavirus. So, on January 15, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced its decision to reduce the supply of the drug to European countries while modernizing its production. Then the delay in delivery was admitted by the head of AstraZeneca Pascal Sorio. He explained that the delay was due to a problem in the manufacture of the main vaccine component at factories in the Netherlands and Belgium.

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