Home » Germany reacted to the liquidation of Memorial

Germany reacted to the liquidation of Memorial

by alex

German Foreign Ministry calls the decision of the Russian Supreme Court on the liquidation of Memorial incomprehensible

Photo: Marc Vorwerk / SULUPRESS.DE / Global Look Press

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Germany reacted to the liquidation of the international historical, educational, charitable and human rights society “Memorial” ( recognized in Russia as an NGO-foreign agent ). TASS reports.

As stated in the department, the court's decision is “more than incomprehensible to them and contradicts international obligations in the field of protection of fundamental civil rights.” “This decision worries us not least because it deprives the victims of harassment and repression of the vote,” they said.

Earlier, Latvian Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevich, commenting on the liquidation of Memorial, switched to Russian and threatened Moscow with God's judgment with the words of the poet Mikhail Lermontov. The minister added that he was outraged by the decision of the Russian court.

On December 28, the Russian Supreme Court liquidated Memorial. The Prosecutor General's Office, which filed the relevant claim, stated that the reason was the repeated violation of the law on foreign agents. Memorial denies violations and believes that the case is political in nature and is aimed at destroying an organization that defends human rights and investigates political repression.

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