Home » Germany declared the impossibility of relying on the United States

Germany declared the impossibility of relying on the United States

by alex

Columnist Frankenberg: US confidence in the world has been eroded over the past year

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Klaus-Dieter Frankenberg, a columnist for the German newspaper Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung, said that over the past year, confidence in the United States in the world has been undermined and now Europe has to show itself in crisis situations.

According to the journalist, the storming of the Capitol by supporters of the losing presidential election, Donald Trump, made the world question the White House's ability to stop internal political polarization. He also recalled the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan. The author of the material noted that this undermined the authority of the United States in the foreign policy arena.

“Many Americans want their government to tackle problems locally, not in remote parts of the world,” Frankenberg said. He added that such a request comes from both Republican voters and Democrats.

Frankenberg noted that doubts about the reliability of the United States have not disappeared, even after Joe Biden came to power. He described as vulnerable those whose security depends on the United States.

The journalist stressed that Europe's weakness lies in its inability to act independently. He noted that Europe should unite around the FRG and not turn to the United States for help at the first threat.

The storming of the American Capitol building took place on January 6 during a rally of supporters of former US President Donald Trump, who did not recognize the results of the November vote, which resulted in the election of Democrat Joe Biden as the next head of state. The protests led to widespread clashes with police. As a result, five people were killed and dozens were detained.

In August, it became known that the United States had completed the operation to evacuate people from Afghanistan and all the American military had left the republic.

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