Home » Germany and France reacted to Biden's victory

Germany and France reacted to Biden's victory

by alex

Joe Biden

Germany and France reacted to the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the US presidential elections. Country leaders reached out to him on Twitter.

“The Americans have chosen their president. Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris! We have a lot to do to meet the challenges of today. Let's act together, ”wrote French President Emmanuel Macron on his Twitter page.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also congratulated Biden. Her message was posted by the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers of Germany on Twitter.

“Hearty congratulations! American citizens have made a decision. Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States of America. I wish him from the bottom of my heart happiness and success, and I also congratulate Kamala Harris, the elected first vice-president of her country, ”the message says.

Earlier on November 7, Biden, who received 273 of the required 270 electoral votes and thus secured his victory, declared himself elected President of the United States.

Donald Trump said he hopes to regain his leading position in several states through the courts. According to the head of state, he was leading by a wide margin in several states on the evening of election day, and then a few days later this gap “miraculously evaporated.”

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