Home » German media on the beginning of covid vaccination: the endgame of the fight against the virus?

German media on the beginning of covid vaccination: the endgame of the fight against the virus?

by alex

The coronavirus vaccination has already started in Germany and other EU countries. Now it is important that more than 60 percent of the population agree to be vaccinated, the press in Germany writes.

Provided by Deutsche Welle

Vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus began in the EU countries on Sunday, December 27. This event became the most discussed these days in the German press. The leitmotif of most reports was relief and joy at the important day in the fight against the pandemic. At the same time, columnists for a number of publications have chosen a more cautious tone, warning against premature euphoria.

Die Welt: How to convince skeptics to get vaccinated

Vaccination in Germany began a day before the official start of the procedure in the EU. The first vaccination against covid in the German city of Halberstadt (Saxony-Anhalt) was given on December 26 – a 101-year-old resident of a nursing home Edith Kwoizalla. And that can be forgiven, says Die Welt journalist Pia Heinemann. “The vaccine was in place, the elderly and the medical staff – too, so why wait? Moreover, every day counts. Because every day in Germany more than ten thousand people are infected with the coronavirus, and hundreds die,” she recalls.

German media on the beginning of covid vaccination: the endgame of the fight against the virus?

Injection of 101-year-old Edith Quuzalla became the first vaccination against covid in Germany

According to the author of the commentary, the biggest obstacle to vaccination may be justified skepticism of citizens: “The very rapid admission of the vaccine and the new method of its manufacture make many doubt. Those who receive the vaccine first have privileges or are they just guinea pigs?”

The answer to these doubts must be transparent observation of the possible side effects of vaccines. “How often do joint pain or even fever occur after vaccination? Who is more likely to have allergic reactions – and are they life-threatening? And does the vaccine protect against infection or only against severe disease?” Says Heinemann.

All these issues should be discussed openly and honestly, the author of the column emphasizes. “Only if the vaccination campaign in the coming weeks will be covered as transparently as possible, if the responsible persons prove that they can be trusted, then the necessary (for the emergence of herd immunity. – Ed. ) Percentage of people will be ready for vaccination,” the Die Welt columnist sums up.

Süddeutsche Zeitung: the role of German regional authorities in vaccination

“The start of vaccination, despite the willfulness in the Harz region, is good news. There is nothing to philosophize. The fact that the last days before the vaccine admission in the EU seemed especially long does not negate the fact that a few months ago hardly anyone dared would bet on such a rapid success of scientific research, “- writes the journalist of the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung Nico Fried in his commentary.

In his opinion, this is “the first good news after a whole series of bad news.” “After Germany well overcame the first wave of the pandemic, during the second, it became one of the 'hot spots' in Europe,” the author notes. Much of the responsibility for this lies with “the prime ministers of the federal states, who now pose for photojournalists in vaccination centers,” says Fried.

“The way the federal and, above all, the state authorities organize vaccinations, depends not only on the health of millions of people. It also depends on how much confidence in the important pillars of the state – the health care system and federalism – will remain with citizens. If the regions conduct a campaign on vaccinations with the same precision, transparency and cohesion that they have shown in decisions on the operation of schools (against the backdrop of a pandemic – Ed. ) and in their own digitalization, you should not be surprised at confusion, discord and outrage, “warns the Süddeutsche Zeitung columnist, urging the regional authorities of Germany to act more harmoniously.

FAZ: in the endgame, humanity must take advantage of the covid

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) journalist Kim Björn Becker compared the covid pandemic to a chess game, and the start of vaccination with its transition to the endgame. “In the opening, the virus took people by surprise. They approached the middlegame in a losing position. But over time, they studied the opponent better, examined his strategy under a microscope. So, step by step, they improved their position,” Becker writes.

German media on the beginning of covid vaccination: the endgame of the fight against the virus?

Queue in front of the vaccination center in Berlin

By the endgame, the alignment has changed, says the newspaper's columnist. “Now people have the advantage. But they must beware of considering this advantage as a guarantee of victory. It is not,” warns the columnist. It is believed that population immunity, that is, herd immunity is achieved at a vaccination level of 60-70 percent of the population. “And just as a game of chess cannot be won without proper discipline, the coronavirus can only be defeated if many people get vaccinated,” summarizes the FAZ journalist.

See also:

Vaccination from Putin: how mass vaccination begins in Russia. DW News (03/12/2020)

German media on the beginning of covid vaccination: the endgame of the fight against the virus?

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    Author: Ilya Koval

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