Home » German Foreign Minister spoke in favor of dialogue with Russia on Ukraine

German Foreign Minister spoke in favor of dialogue with Russia on Ukraine

by alex

German Foreign Minister Berbock: the actions of the Russian Federation have a price, the way out of the crisis is possible through dialogue

Annalena Berbock. Photo: Michael Sohn / Reuters

German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock, before her trip to the United States, again spoke in favor of a dialogue with Russia on Ukraine. She announced this on Wednesday, January 5, she is quoted by TASS.

“As for Russia, the common message of the Europeans and the US government is clear: Russia's actions have a price, and the way out of the crisis can only be through dialogue. We have clearly spoken about this to the Russian government in the past few days and weeks, ”the minister clarified.

She added that the United States is the most powerful ally of the Europeans. According to Berbock, the strength of the alliance is measured not by tanks and missiles, but by the fact that countries “work together when it matters most.”

Earlier, Jurgen Hardt, a foreign policy spokesman for the opposition Christian Democratic Union, saw “cracks” in German foreign policy due to the lack of a unified position in the German government on Nord Stream 2. According to him, social democrats, “greens” and liberals also do not have a common point of view regarding sanctions against Russia.

In late December, Berbock opposed the supply of weapons to Ukraine, as this could lead to further military escalation in the east of the country. Berbock said that the main task of the international community is to prevent further escalation.

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