Home ยป Georgia has increased the visa-free period for Ukrainians: details

Georgia has increased the visa-free period for Ukrainians: details

by alex

The Georgian authorities have extended the period of stay for Ukrainians without visas.

The Georgian government has increased the period of visa-free stay in the country for citizens of Ukraine to two years.

About this writes the publication “News-Georgia”.

Previously, Ukrainians could stay in Georgia for a year, after which they had to cross the border and re-enter Georgia.

According to the UN, at least 25,000 citizens of Ukraine have been in Georgia as refugees since the beginning of the war.

According to non-governmental organizations, only 20% of Ukrainian refugees are employed in Georgia. Another 58% would like to work, but there is no special state program in this direction. At the same time, 69% have higher education, and 84% have experience.

Refugees cite housing as the biggest problem due to rising rental prices.

Also, immediately after the start of the war, many Ukrainians entered Georgia without the necessary documents, which is why they could not use all the programs offered by the state.

Recall, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili accused the Ukrainian authorities of intending to transfer the war to the territory of his country.

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