Home » Fukushima found deadly radiation for humans

Fukushima found deadly radiation for humans

by alex

At the nuclear power plant “Fukushima-1”, destroyed as a result of a nuclear accident in 2011, found areas of lethally high radioactivity. This was reported by the Yomiuri newspaper with reference to the interim report of the Nuclear Energy Control Committee.

Contamination was found in three circular concrete structures above Units 2 and 3. These structures serve as a kind of protective hood. It is reported that the radiation dose in these areas reaches several sieverts per hour, which can lead to death of a person within a few hours.

The publication notes that pollution can slow down the dismantling of the damaged nuclear power plant.

On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.1 earthquake hit Japan, which triggered a tsunami. A natural disaster led to an accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, where the reactor cooling system failed. This became the largest nuclear disaster in 25 years – after the explosions at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

After the incident at the nuclear power plant, more than 160 thousand people were forced to leave their homes. There was a sharp rise in mortality among refugees, but authorities attributed the casualties to chaos in evacuation, mental trauma and poor access to medical care. The government argued that the radiation did not directly lead to deaths. In addition, an earthquake and tsunami in Japan then killed 18 thousand people.

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