Home » From the first hours you are with us! Zelensky met with chairmen of parliaments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

From the first hours you are with us! Zelensky met with chairmen of parliaments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

by alex

Volodymyr Zelensky met with the Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Latvia Inara Murniece, Speaker of the Seimas of Lithuania Republic of the Republic of Victoria Chmilite-Nielsen and the head of the Riigikog of the Republic of Estonia Juri Ratas, who arrived in Kyiv.

— From the first hours you are with us – at the level of leaders, at the level of nations. Therefore, we are grateful to you. Everyone in Ukraine understands this, everyone appreciates it. The people of Ukraine have the highest confidence in your countries and Poland, that's true. This is in line with the steps you have taken towards Ukraine,” the president said.

Vladimir Zelensky also thanked for signing a joint statement on the urgent need to modernize Ukraine’s air defense, which was joined by representatives of the parliaments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

From the first hours you are with us! Zelensky met with the chairmen of the parliaments of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

— We are pleased with all the legislative initiatives that you are pronouncing and doing in support of Ukraine in your parliaments, as well as in the international arena. They were also among the first to help a lot with weapons,” he said.

In addition, Zelensky spoke about the consequences of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, noting that Russian troops are purposefully attacking the civilian population and destroying peaceful infrastructure .

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As the head of state noted, for the effective protection of citizens, Ukraine needs weapons – air defense systems, aircraft and armored vehicles. He also noted the importance of further strengthening sanctions against Russia.

The President expressed gratitude to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia for their active support of the accelerated movement of our state towards EU membership.

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