Home » Frequently mistaken manifestations of dementia identified in aging

Frequently mistaken manifestations of dementia identified in aging

by alex

British doctors: signs of incipient dementia are often mistaken for an aging person

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Doctors of the British Institute for Social Welfare of Excellence (SCIE) have named the changes taking place in a person's life, which are often mistaken for aging, but are signs of the onset of dementia, according to the Medic Forum.

Signs of the disease, especially at an early stage of its development, may not cause suspicion and concern of others, experts warned. Personality changes can be very gradual, for example, forgetfulness appears when a person cannot remember other people's names or does not remember what he did yesterday. Such things may be the first signs of the onset of dementia.

Experts advise paying close attention to the behavior of relatives who carefully try to remember what they have done recently, or if they forget the names of loved ones or the names of objects that they constantly use. Other possible symptoms include difficulty keeping track of the topic being discussed, problems understanding TV programs, repeating what has been said several times, and constant questioning.

Moreover, people with dementia experience anger, anxiety, or depression, and may also feel confused in a familiar environment. Finally, the person may have difficulty speaking or having difficulty doing daily activities.

Earlier, doctors from South Korea talked about the connection between Alzheimer's disease and one of the well-known ailments – metabolic syndrome. According to them, patients with this common disease are 11 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than people who did not.

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