Home » Freezing the war in Ukraine: the German government responded to the statement of the head of the SPD faction

Freezing the war in Ukraine: the German government responded to the statement of the head of the SPD faction

by alex

German government representative Steffen Gebestreit emphasized that the Chancellor's position regarding the Ukrainian conflict remains and will remain unchanged.

Government Representative Germany Steffen Gebestreit at a briefing on Friday, March 15, said that the German government does not support freezing the conflict in Ukraine, so it will not comment on the statement about such a scenario, which was made by the head of the Social Democratic faction in the Bundestag the day before.

Ukrinform writes about this.

On Thursday, March 14, during a debate in the Bundestag, the head of the SPD parliamentary faction, Rolf Mützenich, made an unexpected statement: “Isn’t it time that we not only talk about how to wage war, but also think about how we can freeze the war and end it later?”

Steffen Gebestreit denies that Rolf Mützenich's statement can be regarded as a demand.

“We do not evaluate the statements of parliamentarians, but the Chancellor's position regarding the Ukrainian conflict remains and will remain unchanged: we support Ukraine in its defense against the Russian aggressor for as long as necessary, and with everything we consider necessary and can convey,” said the speaker.

He also emphasized that Mützenich’s words are not the position of the government, which supports the 10 points of the peace plan of President Vladimir Zelensky.

Foreign Ministry representative Sebastian Fischer also spoke at the briefing, recalling the words of the head of his department, Annalena Berbock, about freezing the war in Ukraine. Last December, she said the frozen conflict would “cement” Putin’s violent rule in Ukraine, allowing the occupiers to continue to persecute, torture, rape and kidnap Ukrainians in the occupied territories.

“We must not forget that Russia started the war in eastern Ukraine back in 2014. With great diplomatic efforts, including from Germany, the conflict was frozen within the framework of the Minsk process. But all diplomatic efforts were torpedoed by Russia, and a hot conflict began again, an aggressive war that is contrary to international law. As it turned out, Putin did not want peace then, but to gain time to prepare for war,” the diplomat said.

The statement by Rolf Mützenich caused a negative reaction and indignation from many German democratic politicians, who called the words of the chairman of the SPD faction threatening.

In response to criticism, Mützenich noted that he supports Ukraine and emphasized that Russia should not win this war.

“I clearly spoke out in favor of supporting Ukraine, in particular with weapons and ammunition, but suggested thinking not only about military assistance, but also about the conditions for a possible end to the war,” he explained his position.

Recall that in December last year, the head of the SPD faction in the Bundestag, Rolf Mützenich, admitted that he “completely underestimated” Putin’s imperial thinking.

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