Home ยป Free online courses on Big Data and Data Science appeared for Russians

Free online courses on Big Data and Data Science appeared for Russians

by alex

On October 5, 2021, within the framework of the charitable project “Artificial Intelligence: A Quick Start from Scratch”, free online courses on Big Data and Data Science were launched.

One of the courses is dedicated to beginners, the second is intended for continuing education. People with disabilities, high school students, students and specialists from related fields are invited to participate, according to the organizing committee of the project.

Lessons are delivered in an understandable and varied format – videos, text materials, tests and tasks. At the same time, students are not limited by deadlines or the number of attempts to solve the task; at any time, you can contact the curator for help. All videos have the ability to turn on subtitles.

The first course consists of five modules. They step by step introduce the basic concepts of data science and learn how to apply them in practice. Classes are taught by practicing Data Science experts. Among the 13 speakers of the course – the chief analyst of the Center for Artificial Intelligence of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, director of the leading Russian conference on Artificial Intelligence OpenTalks.AI, head of the Almanac Artificial Intelligence project – a regular analytical report on the AI industry in Russia and the world Igor Pivovarov.

The modules of the second online course will help you to systematically grow in the field of Data Science and expand your knowledge of the tools of a modern analyst. One of the expert speakers of the course is Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Neurointelligence and Neuromorphic Systems of the NBIK-Center (RRC “Kurchatov Institute”), Researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematics. M.V. Keldysh RAS, Senior Researcher, N.N. PC. Anokhina RAMS, Director for Fundamental Research of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence AIRI Mikhail Burtsev.

Training takes place on the Stepik platform. To take part, you need to register using the link for beginners or for advanced.

– The children will gain knowledge that will give a start to the study of big data science and machine learning, as well as help in choosing a direction for a deeper immersion. The courses are useful for those who want to find out what is behind these complex terms, which can often be heard in the media, – said Olga Solodyannikova, head of the project “Artificial Intelligence: a quick start from scratch”, director of the ANO DO “Russian Programming School”.

In turn, the methodologist and speaker of online courses Artur Saprykin noted that the main feature of these courses is that students get a general idea of this area in a short time.

After completing the courses, those who wish will receive a certificate and will be able to take part in the championship, where it is necessary to solve problems on the topics of the courses.

Let us remind you that “Artificial Intelligence: A Quick Start from Scratch” is a charitable project that helps schoolchildren and students from the regions, including children with disabilities, to get acquainted with the directions of artificial intelligence. The project was first launched in 2020. For almost a year and a half, more than 10 thousand people from 220 cities of Russia, as well as CIS countries and countries of near and far abroad took part in it. The project is being implemented by ANO DO “Russian Programming School” with the support of MegaFon and the Presidential Grants Fund.

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