Home » FPÖ calls for sales compensation also for suppliers

FPÖ calls for sales compensation also for suppliers

by alex

Angerer appeals to the government: The suppliers should also receive sales compensation.

The FPÖ demands compensation for sales for suppliers. “The innumerable suppliers, such as beverage, fruit and vegetable dealers, must quickly receive a turnover replacement. Among other things, these companies have lost their entire Christmas business,” said FPÖ economics spokesman Erwin Angerer on Monday in a press release. These are companies that are not themselves affected by the corona-related company closings, but supply closed companies.

“The ÖVP and the Greens must now immediately ensure that all suppliers to the companies that have been closed due to the lockdown and those indirectly affected by the second lockdown receive a revenue replacement,” demands Angerer. Finance Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) has announced a solution shortly.

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