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Found new ways to protect programs on computers from hacking

by alex

Columbia University specialists have developed new technologies for protecting computer systems at the hardware level – ZeRØ and No-FAT. They have almost no effect on the performance and power consumption of the device.

New technologies do not require changes to existing computer programs. They relate to memory. According to experts, most of the errors and vulnerabilities in programs are related to the fact that developers do not work correctly with memory.

The first ZeRØ technology ensures the correctness of pointers to memory addresses. It can be easily added to modern processors, the technology itself does not increase power consumption and does not affect performance. The second technology, No-FAT, quickly checks and fixes the boundaries of the allocated memory areas. It is also easy to implement at the processor level. No-FAT can already reduce the speed of work, but only slightly – by about 8%.

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