Home » Former Trump adviser says Biden's behavior threatens US security

Former Trump adviser says Biden's behavior threatens US security

by alex

Stephen Miller

Former adviser to former US President Donald Trump Stephen Miller said that the behavior of the current American head Joe Biden threatens the security of the state. He told about this in an interview with Fox News.

“Our opponents around the world – Iran, Russia, Venezuela and China – they look at the United States and its main representative, the president of our country, who cannot pass even an easy interview without a cheat sheet and falls three times climbing the stairs. It’s sad to look at, ”Miller said. Other countries see this weakness, he said, making the United States less secure.

According to a former adviser to Trump, he himself repeatedly walked the stairs of the board number one (Air Force One), and assured that they were not slippery. In particular, the US Air Force monitors their condition, he stressed.

On March 19, footage of Biden's fall while boarding number one was released online. In the video, the President of the United States climbs the plane, stumbling and falling, then salutes and enters the cabin. The press service of the White House said that the American leader feels great, and the incident itself was explained there by a strong wind.

On the same day, during a public speech, Biden made a slip and called Vice President Kamala Harris “President.” It was noted that this is not the first time that the American leader has made such reservations.

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