Home » Foreign mercenaries who fought for Russia were shown in Ukraine

Foreign mercenaries who fought for Russia were shown in Ukraine

by alex

Representatives of Cuba, Nepal, African and Latin American countries are in Ukrainian captivity.

Friday, March 15, at Media Center Ukraine held a briefing with the participation of captured foreign mercenaries who fought for Russia.

Petr Yatsenko, a representative of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, said that due to the depleted mobilization reserve, the Russian army is attracting more and more foreigners to the war against Ukraine.

According to him, the Russian Federation has increased recruitment in low-income countries, so now representatives of Cuba, Nepal, African and Latin American countries are in Ukrainian captivity.

“They were abandoned like cannon fodder because they were not taught. Some of them were deceived, that is, they were promised one thing, but in fact it turned out completely different,” said Yatsenko.

Since military mercenary activity in Ukraine is punishable by law, foreigners can be convicted as criminals. However, they are now being held as prisoners of war.

At the same time, as noted at the briefing, Russia does not want to include these citizens in its lists for exchange, because it does not need them.

Representatives of the coordination headquarters appealed to the governments of foreign countries to take more effective measures “so that their citizens were not deceived by Russian agitators, did not lose their health and did not die.”

▶ On the TSN YouTube channel you can watch the video at this link: “The dream job” turned out to be a huge lie: how Russia sends foreign guest workers to the front

Recall that earlier in Nepal they stated that Russia recruited more than 200 of their citizens to fight in the war in Ukraine. About 14 mercenaries died.

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