Home » Forecaster promised residents of the Moscow region “Martian” weather in October

Forecaster promised residents of the Moscow region “Martian” weather in October

by alex

Forecaster promised residents of the Moscow region “Martian” weather in October

October in Moscow will be “Martian” – the deficit of precipitation in the first half of the month will reach 60%, leading employee of the Phobos Weather Center Evgeny Tishkovets told RIA Novosti.

“October will be 'Martian'. The atmosphere on Mars is known to have very low humidity and a constantly flying suspension of dust. October will be the opposite of a rainy September. Dry, especially in the first half of the month, the deficit of precipitation will reach 40 – 60%, with a suspension of dust. In terms of temperature, the first half of October will be slightly warmer, literally a positive deviation from the norm of 0.5 – 1 degrees, ”the expert said.

In the second half of the month, he expects the region to return to the usual October weather, both in terms of precipitation and in terms of temperature. The norm of precipitation in Moscow at this time of the year is 59 millimeters, and temperatures – plus 8.2 degrees during the day and plus 2.1 degrees at night, added Tishkovets.

The meteorologist noted that at the beginning of the month the anticyclone will dominate the region, so there will be no strong wind, and the atmospheric pressure will be high. Also at this time of the year, frosts are possible, but one should not expect strong subzero temperatures, it is better to prepare for the golden autumn and sunny days, which are normal in October, there are only two, Tishkovets summed up.

Earlier, Roshydromet reported that in Siberia, Yakutia and in the north of the Urals, the temperature in the winter of 2021-2022 will be warmer than usual. According to forecasters, temperatures are expected to be within normal limits in other parts of the country. In some months in the southern half of the Asian territory of Russia, the average temperature values will be lower than the average long-term values.

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