Home » For the duration of martial law, only military officers with combat experience can become foremen and sergeants

For the duration of martial law, only military officers with combat experience can become foremen and sergeants

by alex

Private ranks of sergeants and foremen/Armed Forces of Ukraine

Military enlisted personnel with combat experience during the war can receive the primary military rank of sergeant and foreman. This is necessary in order to understaff the Armed Forces.

This was announced in the decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky dated April 11. They noted that we are talking about ordinary soldiers, except for conscripts.

“Members of the rank and file who have combat experience and have not received training at the appropriate level in higher military educational institutions, training units (centers) and military units, taking into account the need to replenish the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the period of martial law, they can be appointed to the positions of sergeants and senior officers,” the decree said.

Zelensky awarded the military< /h2>

During the evening address from April 11 to 12, the President announced that five servicemen were awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine. We are talking about 5 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including 2 colonels of the medical service.

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