Home » Five high-profile murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

Five high-profile murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

by alex

On New Year's Eve, traditionally wishes for happiness, health, so that all bad things become a thing of the past, and the next year brings only good news. The horrible crimes that rocked the whole of Ukraine also remain in the past.

We are seeing off this year together with the five most high-profile criminal proceedings according to the version of ICTV Facts.

The case of Mashenka Borisova

Kherson region, Aleshkovsky district, Schastlivoe village

A seven-year-old girl disappeared in the evening on March 7. She was last seen walking with her 10-year-old brother, but the boy returned home alone. Where Masha disappeared, he could not explain.

It took five days to find the child: all this time Masha's mother believed in the version of the abduction, since they were last seen with her brother at the bus stop. The body of a dead girl was found on the morning of March 11 behind the shed in a sack tied with a man's belt.

Forensic experts confirmed that Masha's body was found numerous bruises and scratches, and she was raped before the murder.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

The suspect in the massacre of the girl is a 62-year-old neighbor who knew her father well. He was in prison four times, the last time was convicted of rape. During the search for the child, he helped fellow villagers, also attended the funeral.

When the police came to his house, I cut my veins demonstratively, however, responsibility did not escape & # 8212; he was informed of the suspicion and placed in a pre-trial detention center. Already on March 18, the police confirmed that he confessed to the perfect. The villagers promised to commit lynching, if the rapist was released.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

Criminal proceedings in the case were opened under two articles – paragraph 2 and paragraph 10 of part 2 of article 115 (Intentional murder of a young child combined with sexual violence) and part 4 of article 152 (Rape of a person under the age of fourteen) Criminal Code of Ukraine.

On April 23, it became known that a 62-year-old man hanged himself in a cell of the remand prison. He was threatened with life imprisonment. Referring to clause 5 of part 1 of article 284 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (in connection with the death of the suspect), the case of the murder of Masha Borisova was closed.

The case of Miroslava Tretyak

Kharkiv region, Volchansky district, village Stary Saltov

Six-year-old Miroslava went for a walk with a friend on July 28. An agitated mother asked for help when her daughter did not return home on time. Together with the police and concerned neighbors, she went in search of the child.

On the same night, the body of a six-year-old girl with signs of a violent death found in an abandoned building. Involvement of her comrade the crime was confirmed after a series of examinations: before the official results, he swore that he did not kill his girlfriend.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

It turned out that together with 13-year-old Bogdan, Miroslava agreed to go to the old bakery, allegedly for apples. There they found dead Miroslava: her body had bruises to her head and face.

Later, an examination confirmed that before his death, the teenager twice raped a six-year-old girl. After that, he inflicted at least 10 blows with a brick in the head of Miroslava. The relatives of the deceased confirmed that the girl often complained that Bogdan offends her.

It was also established that the teenager was intoxicated in the evening. While examining the abandoned building, investigators found the girl's two earrings, her pink shoes, shorts, and light-colored panties with a pattern in the form of flowers.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who carried punishment

Criminal proceedings were opened under paragraph 2 of part 2 of article 115 (Intentional murder of a young child) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

< p>Due to his age (criminal liability comes for citizens who have turned 14 years old), during the investigation, the young man was placed in a detention center for children. Psychiatric examination showed that at the time of the crime he was in his right mind.

On December 2, by a court decision, the teenager was sent to a special educational institution for children and adolescents for three years. This is the maximum possible coercive measure of an educational nature that can be applied to a young child who has committed a crime.

Massacre of children at Christmas

Transcarpathia, Tyachiv city

A nine-year-old girl and her two-year-old brother tragically died on January 6. The children were cynically dealt with by their mother's new boyfriend, who came with the children from Khmelnytsky to Transcarpathia to celebrate Christmas with him.

Later it turned out that this was their first meeting, and the 35-year-old woman herself did not know to whom she was going with her young son and daughter. A quarrel between a man and a woman arose at the hotel where they settled on arrival. 30-year-old & # 8220; cavalier & # 8221; was already drunk, so began to beat his guest with a chair.

At the cry of the mother, the children ran into the room and stood up to her defense. Thus, a nine-year-old girl and her two-year-old brother fell under the “hot hand”. The enraged would-be man with particular cruelty beat other people's children and left them to die on the floor. Beaten 35-year-old mother was already unconscious by that time.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

An ambulance and the police were called by the employees of this hotel. According to preliminary information, the police arrived on call almost immediately, but the ambulance & # 8212; in 40 minutes.

The woman suspected of the massacre of children and severe beating was arrested. It turned out to be 30-year-old Vasily Tsekh, who had already been repeatedly prosecuted.

The mother was hospitalized in grave condition, the death of her two children was confirmed at the hotel. While the brother and sister were buried, the woman was in intensive care.

 Five high-profile murders of 2021, which struck the whole of Ukraine: who was punished

She learned that was left without children after she was discharged. It is known that that she returned home to Kamyanets-Podolsk. She is a victim in the case.

Vasily Tsekh has been in a pre-trial detention center since the election of a preventive measure. The prosecutor's office handed the indictment to court in the summer, but there is still no verdict in the case.

– The case is still pending before the court, now it is at the stage of examining material evidence, – the press secretary of the Prosecutor's Office of Transcarpathia Yekaterina Khizhnyak told the Facts of ICTV.

The man is suspected of crimes under paragraph 1, 2.4 part 2 of article 115 (Intentional murder of two young children with particular cruelty) and part 2 of article 15, part 1 of article 115 (Attempted murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He faces life imprisonment.

Accidental murder at a gas station in Troyeshchyna

Kiev, gas station on Roman Shukhevych

In the evening of September 28, a drunken incident at a gas station ended with the death of a 45-year-old man. One of the customers of the gas station began to harass the employee who was filling the taxi. It was from the taxi that the 26-year-old passenger got out, who began to calm down the drunk man.

A conflict quickly arose between them, which escalated into a fight. CCTV cameras recorded, like a taxi passenger hit his opponent several times in the stomach and on the head.

When the 45-year-old man fell to the ground, the passenger got back into the taxi and drove away. After a while, feeling remorse, the man returned to the gas station and called an ambulance for the victim.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

When doctors arrived at the scene, they pronounced him dead and called the police. The very next day, a 26-year-old man received a report of suspicion.

& # 8212; In this production, an examination is still ongoing, which should establish a causal relationship between the actions of the suspect and the death of the victim, & # 8212; the press secretary of the Kiev city prosecutor's office Nadezhda Maksimets told Facts ICTV.

Criminal proceedings was opened under part 2 of article 121 (Intentional grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. During the investigation, he is under night house arrest.

It is known that the man did not get into the field of view of law enforcement officers before. However, if the court proves the man's guilt, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

Dismemberment of a mother with many children

Kiev region, Belotserkovsky district, village Luxurious

The fact that the 36-year-old Marina with many children disappeared in the village was first noticed by the neighbors. At first they thought that the woman had left on business, but then they still turned to the police. The smell of burnt flesh emanating from Marina's pipe where she lived with a roommate and raised four common children began to penetrate into neighboring houses.

 Five high-profile murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

Already on February 5, father of many children was detained and taken to the police station. There he confessed that he had killed, dismembered and burned his wife. According to 48-year-old Fedor, it all started with a quarrel. Marina was the first to push him, and the man hit her in the face with a fist.

The woman died as a result of hitting her temple on the sharp metal ledge of the garage door. After that, the suspect hacked Marina's body with an ax and took out the parts of the body with a machine all night.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that struck the whole of Ukraine: who was punished

He covered the woman's head with tires and burned it in a landfill. The man tied a rope with metal pipes, taken to the river and thrown into the hole. In the stove, law enforcement officers found the limbs, fingers and teeth of the deceased. The 48-year-old man confessed to being perfect.

 Five resonant murders of 2021 that hit all of Ukraine: who was punished

– В In June, the indictment was sent to the court, and the case continues. The rest of the articles are not incriminated due to a number of procedural rules related to the absence of the victim's body, & # 8212; Olena Kovaleva, press secretary of the Kiev region prosecutor's office, explained to ICTV Facts.

Criminal proceedings were opened under Part 1 of Article 115 (Intentional Murder) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The article does not provide for life imprisonment, so the prosecutor's office insists on the maximum punishment – imprisonment for 15 years.

Four of their common children are left orphans. Over the years of their marriage, the couple never got engaged, and according to the documents, the woman was a single mother.

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