Home » First supermarket removes dizziness masks from its range

First supermarket removes dizziness masks from its range

by alex

FFP2 masks

After the scandal surrounding the mask manufacturer Hygiene Austria, the first supermarket is reacting and withdrawing all FFP2 masks.

In the Corona crisis, many smell the fast business. So does the manufacturer Hygiene Austria, which also has an extremely good network. Numerous authorities and supermarkets stocked up on him with FFP2 masks. Because the manufacturer promised tested quality, “Made in Austria”.

Now the house was searched and the suspicion was that defective masks were imported from China and relabeled. When they were then assessed as “not positive” in a preliminary test by the authorities, the coveted CE certificate was simply picked up from a Hungarian company. The ORF journalist Martin Thür researched.

It is still unclear which masks, which batches, are exactly affected. It may therefore be that those FFP2 masks do not offer the protection they promise. These allegations have now apparently been confirmed.

The supermarket chain Spar also stocked up on Hygiene Austria. If you first tried to clarify the situation in a conversation and with an expert opinion, Spar now pulls the rip cord. A traceability of the masks can no longer be guaranteed 100 percent.

That is why “we will now take all masks out of our range as a precaution,” said Spar Austria on Twitter.

By the way: This is how you recognize the “cheat masks” >>

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