Home ยป Finland will seize cars with Russian license plates

Finland will seize cars with Russian license plates

by alex

< p>From March 16, new rules are being introduced in Finland for drivers of cars with Russian license plates.

Now in Finland they can be arrested cars with Russian license plates. Drivers of such vehicles will have to prove their right to operate the vehicle in the country.

The Finnish publication Yle reports this.

Currently, the Finnish customs service does not have information on how many such vehicles are located in the country. Director of the Customs Control Department Sami Rakshit said that the department does not systematically monitor the number of cars with Russian license plates.

According to him, police, border guards and customs officers can stop a vehicle and check the grounds for staying in the country. If they are not there, then the car can be taken away.

As noted, a car with Russian license plates can be used, in particular, by full-time students or people working under a fixed-term employment contract.

Recall that earlier the European Union (EU) banned Russian residents from importing cars, smartphones, jewelry, laptops and other things. Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Estonia were the first to report the implementation of sanctions. They closed the possibility of entry for cars with Russian license plates. In particular, Lithuania reported that cars with Russian license plates will either be sent back to the Russian Federation or will be confiscated.

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