Home » “Fashionable Sentence” explained the scandal with empty gifts for children with cancer

“Fashionable Sentence” explained the scandal with empty gifts for children with cancer

by alex

“Fashionable verdict”: empty boxes fell into a bag of gifts for children with cancer by mistake

Frame: Telegram channel Readovka

The scandalous situation with the “Fashionable Sentence” gifts for children with cancer, who received only empty boxes, will be corrected, Ilya Krivitsky, the project producer and general director of the Krasny Kvadrat company, promised. He explained to the Pozym newspaper that the empty boxes had fallen into the bag by mistake.

“First of all, we are very upset about this misunderstanding. 30 gifts were collected for the patients of the Blokhin Center and delivered to the addressees. As it turned out, not 30, but 300 gifts were expected at the center, about which we did not agree and did not know, ”he said. However, the children will still receive gifts: the required amount will be sent to the center after the New Year, on January 3.

Viktoria Biryukova, a volunteer at the Blokhin Center, spoke about the situation earlier. According to her, she, together with the team, helped to organize congratulations for children from Modniy Sentence. All the expenses for organizing the event, Buryukova pointed out, they took upon themselves. The program was going to give New Year's gifts to children with cancer, but there were only empty boxes in the gift bags.

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