Home » Family of Brazil plane crash passenger reveals her final troubling messages — photos

Family of Brazil plane crash passenger reveals her final troubling messages — photos

by alex

She was among the 62 people killed in the plane crash.

A passenger on the plane that crashed in Brazil on August 9 sent messages to her family before her death, saying that she “scared of an old plane.”

Need To Know reports this.

23-year-old Rosana Santos Xavier was on the VoePass passenger jet that crashed in Sao Paulo state, killing everyone on board.

She expressed her concerns about the ATR 72-500 in a family chat shortly after landing.

“I'm so scared of this flight, I swear it's an old plane,” Rosana wrote. “There's a broken seat, it's chaos.”

Семья пассажирки разбившегося в Бразилии самолета показала ее последние тревожные сообщения — фото

The girl's mother Rosemere advised her to read the Psalm to calm her nerves.

But the woman admitted that deep down she had a bad feeling. Soon, Rosemeire saw on the news that the plane had crashed.

Семья пассажирки разбившегося в Бразилии самолета показала ее последние тревожные сообщения — фото

The twin-engine turboprop plane was flying from the southern state of Parana to Sao Paulo when it went down 80 km northwest in the city Vinhedo.

Rosemeire told local media: “I panicked. I started running around the house screaming.”

Rosana was returning home to Franco da Rocha, near Sao Paulo, Brazil, after a work trip. She worked remotely from home, but attended a meeting every two months in Toledo, near the airport in Cascavel.

Семья пассажирки разбившегося в Бразилии самолета показала ее последние тревожные сообщения — фото

Her mother described her daughter as a hard worker and the breadwinner of the family. She said, “Everything she had was for me, my husband, and my girls. She only thought about us. Her money was always for helping around the house.”

Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency said the plane was manufactured in 2010 and had valid registration and flight certificates.

Recall that the doctor was stunned by how she didn't board the plane at the last minute, thanks to an SMS from her father. He begged her to stay one more day.

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