More than one thousand families of the American military fled Pearl Harbor, Hawaii after being poisoned by tap water. The Washington Post.
The families of the servicemen complained of an unpleasant smell of tap water and an oily sheen. They also noted symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and migraines. At the same time, the soldiers distributed bottled water so that the residents of Pearl Harbor-Hickham base could brush their teeth, and the Marines had to hand over clean linen to families, since it was not possible to wash it on their own. According to one woman, her child vomited for several days, and the dog's condition deteriorated so much that the animal had to be euthanized.
The victims also said that the military and civilian leadership was slow to respond to complaints. At the same time, the first data on contaminated water were received on November 29. Officials said last week that the drinking water source was contaminated with oil. According to the Navy, there are about 2,700 homes in 10 communities in the affected area. Those who left their homes at the base were accommodated in hotels, they were provided with medical assistance.
US Navy Secretary Carlos del Toro apologized to residents and promised to restore the water system and restore families' trust in the military leadership.
In 2018, after poisoning with drinking water from a tap in the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, 21 adults and 19 children were hospitalized.