Home ยป Fallout 4, Doom & More Bethesda Games Are On Sale Up To 70% Off

Fallout 4, Doom & More Bethesda Games Are On Sale Up To 70% Off

by alex

Steam digital distribution service has launched another sale. This time, users are invited to purchase Fallout 4, Doom and other Bethesda games with big discounts – up to 70%.

Thus, the famous shooter Doom Eternal is on sale with a 67% discount. Recall that in normal times the game is sold for 1,990 rubles, while now it is available for 659.

For half the price, in turn, you can grab DOOM. Previously, the game was sold for 799 rubles, and now for 399.

The cost of Fallout 4 dropped from 859 rubles to 429, Fallout 3 can be grabbed for only 149 rubles.

You can see the rest of the titles that participate in the sale by following this link. This promotion will last until May 16.

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