Home » “Fallen” Facebook affected the work of every sixth Russian citizen

“Fallen” Facebook affected the work of every sixth Russian citizen

by alex

Disruptions in the work of popular social networks and instant messengers affected the work of every sixth Russian. This is evidenced by research data from the SuperJob job search service (RBC has it).

The survey involved 1.6 thousand Russians over 18 years old who use social networks and instant messengers who log into their accounts. The study was conducted on October 5, and was attended by residents of 321 settlements from all districts of Russia.

According to the survey, two out of three Russians noted a disruption in the work of social networks and instant messengers, which occurred on the evening of October 4. “We were most disappointed by the problems with WhatsApp and Instagram. But there are those who rejoiced at this situation, ”the study says. They note that every second failure in work upset, and every ninth – made happy.

SuperJob recalled that at first a large-scale failure occurred at Facebook, which, in addition to the social network of the same name, owns WhatsApp and Instagram. A significant part of the users of these services moved to other platforms, which resulted in overheating in VKontakte, YouTube and Telegram.

In general, problems in the operation of Internet services were noted by 68% of Russians (among men, they were noticed by 62%, among women – 73%). Most of all, they lacked communication in WhatsApp (60%) and Instagram (29%), analysts say.

Another 17% of employed Russians who took part in the survey reported that a disruption prevented them from completing work tasks. At the same time, 76% said that this did not affect their work in any way.

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram crashed on October 4 after 18:30 Moscow time. Users faced the unavailability of both mobile and web versions of services. Later, complaints began to appear about the work of TikTok, Twitter, Telegram, Snapchat, some services of Google and Amazon. Instagram and Facebook partially resumed work at 00:50 the next day Moscow time.

The Facebook engineering team reported that the global outage was due to configuration changes to the backbone routers that distribute traffic between data centers, resulting in a disconnect between data centers.

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