Home ยป Factor increasing the risk of death from COVID-19

Factor increasing the risk of death from COVID-19

by alex

Scientists from the University of Leicester in the UK have named a factor that increases the risk of death from COVID-19. Leicestershire Live reports.

According to experts, people who walk slowly have an almost four times higher chance of dying from coronavirus infection compared to those who prefer a fast pace. Scientists analyzed the indicators of more than 412 thousand people from the British biobank (a database of medical and genetic data of half a million citizens aged 40 to 69 years). Experts have studied the relationship between the incidence of COVID-19, weight and pace of walking.

It turned out that people with a slow pace of walking died from coronavirus 3.75 times more often. In addition, people with normal weight and who prefer slow walking are 2.5 times more likely to develop severe COVID-19 than people who are overweight, but with a brisk pace.

In February, scientists at the University of Birmingham in the UK identified how frailty and fragile health increased the risk of dying from coronavirus infection. Experts conducted a clinical observational study involving 5711 patients with COVID-19 in 55 hospitals in 12 countries. It turned out that infirm people are three times more likely to die than those who remained mobile, regardless of their advanced age.

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