The Tagansky court in Moscow again heavily fined the social networks Facebook and Twitter and the Telegram messenger for not deleting illegal information. Facebook was fined in five cases for 21 million rubles, Twitter received fines under two protocols for 5 million rubles, and the Telegram messenger – in two cases for 9 million rubles.
They drew up protocols for foreign companies under Article 13.41 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation. Since February, Roskomnadzor has been punishing social networks and messengers that have not deleted various illegal information, such as calls to participate in unauthorized actions.
The total amount of fines imposed on the social network Facebook since the beginning of the year, as a result, exceeded 80 million rubles. Twitter was fined a total of 45 million rubles, Telegram – 35 million rubles.
On August 19, it became known that a court in Moscow had fined Google 6 million rubles for failure to remove content prohibited in Russia. Thus, the total amount of sanctions against the American digital giant rose to 32.5 million rubles.
Photo: Pixabay, Pixabay License
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