Home » Explosions rumbled in occupied Gorlovka: there could have been a hit in an enemy warehouse

Explosions rumbled in occupied Gorlovka: there could have been a hit in an enemy warehouse

by alex

Explosions rocked in occupied Horlivka/photo from social networks

In Gorlovka, temporarily occupied by Russians since 2014, where there are many ammunition depots and barracks of the invaders, a series of explosions is heard on July 13.

This is reported by local residents on social networks. There is no official information yet, however, according to the assumption of Gorlovka, Russian ammunition depots are exploding.

At least, the sounds of explosions are heard approximately from the place where the enemy syllables are located.


Ukrainian armed forces liquidate enemy warehouses in the rear almost every day

While the Russians try to advance and fail, the Ukrainian army continues to effectively hit their weapons and command posts. In particular, on July 12, Ukrainian pilots destroyed another Russian train near Novopetrivka. The invaders tried to prevent the attack and raised fighters into the air.

And on July 11, in the evening, the Ukrainians were pleased with how the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the ammunition of infidels in the temporarily occupied Nova Kakhovka. At the same time, Russian propagandists continue to lie and say that after the “clap” in Novaya Kakhovka, warehouses with saltpeter exploded, and not Russian ammunition. But satellite photos prove quite the opposite. The explosions were so powerful that they were visible even from space.

Sergey Khlan said that as a result of an accurate strike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the infidels lost 1,000 tons of ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems. In addition, 50 fuel tanks also exploded. The losses of personnel have not yet been calculated.

The total losses of the enemy

In general, since the beginning of the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, the Ukrainian soldiers managed to destroy:

  • personnel – about 37,570 people;
  • tanks – 1649 units;
  • armored combat vehicles – 3832 units;
  • artillery systems – 839 units;
  • MLRS – 247 units;
  • air defense systems – 109 units;
  • aircraft – 217 units;
  • helicopters – 188 units;
  • UAVs of the operational-tactical level – 678 units;
  • cruise missiles – 155 units;
  • ships/boats – 15 units;
  • < li>automotive vehicles and tank trucks – 2704 units;

  • special vehicles – 67 units.

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