Home » Explosions in Kyiv on June 12: after a combined attack, dangerous cluster munitions were discovered

Explosions in Kyiv on June 12: after a combined attack, dangerous cluster munitions were discovered

by alex

Explosions in Kyiv today occurred during an air raid warning throughout the country. According to public monitoring data, the enemy launched Shahedas, Kh-101 and Dagger missiles into the Kyiv region.

Explosions in Kyiv on June 12 – what is known

Before the explosions in Kyiv, the Kiev City Military Administration reported that missiles were moving towards the capital from the eastern direction.

– Air defense is operating in the capital. Stay in shelters until the air raid clears! — noted the head of the KGVA Sergei Popko in his telegram channel.

Consequences of explosions in Kyiv today

Updated. Law enforcement officials reported that while documenting the consequences of the shelling of the Kiev region on June 12, investigators discovered fragments of dangerous cluster submunitions in the region.

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They pose a threat to human life and health and can detonate at the slightest movement.

Therefore, police advise refraining from visiting places near the shelling and immediately inform the relevant services if suspicious objects are detected:

— It is strictly forbidden to touch the object or move it! Experts are checking and researching for the presence of such fragments, — noted by the police.

Взрывы в Киеве 12 июня: после комбинированной атаки обнаружили опасные кассетные боеприпасы

Shelling of Kiev 12 chernya. Photo: National Police

Взрывы в Киеве 12 июня: после комбинированной атаки обнаружили опасные кассетные боеприпасы

Shelling of Kiev 12 chernya. Photo: National Police

Взрывы в Киеве 12 июня: после комбинированной атаки обнаружили опасные кассетные боеприпасы

Shelling of Kiev on June 12. Photo: National Police

Взрывы в Киеве 12 июня: после комбинированной атаки обнаружили опасные кассетные боеприпасы

Взрывы в Киеве 12 июня: после комбинированной атаки обнаружили опасные кассетные боеприпасы

Взрывы в Киеве 12 июня: после комбинированной атаки обнаружили опасные кассетные боеприпасы

Recall that the air raid alert in Kyiv lasted almost 2 hours.

And already at half past five in the morning the head of the KGVA reported that the enemy had launched another combined strike on the capital, using Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 cruise missiles from the boards of Tu-95MS strategic bombers and, previously, ballistic missiles.

During the attack from the southern direction, several waves of missiles and also enemy attack UAVs flew towards Kyiv.

Air defense forces destroyed all targets.

— According to preliminary data, there were no casualties or destruction in the capital. The operational summary data is updated and clarified, — Popko added.

The full-scale war in Ukraine has been going on for the 840th day.

The situation in cities can be monitored on the interactive map of military operations in Ukraine and on the map of air raids in Ukraine.

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