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Explained the cause of conflicts between men and women

by alex

Psychologist Alexander Shakhov explained the reason why conflicts in relationships arise between men and women. According to him, this is due to a misunderstanding. This was reported by Channel Five.

Shakhov pointed out that women often accuse men of deceiving them. This is due to the fact that women themselves provoke their partners to tell them a lie, because the fairer sex themselves do not like the truth.

“When a woman asks her husband,“ Am I fat? ”She doesn't want to hear the truth. She sees that she doesn't fit into jeans. The man sees that she has recovered and he thinks: “If I tell the truth now, I will get it for it.” He says what the woman wants to hear. The woman calms down and thinks that it is so, ”the psychologist gave an example.

To begin to better understand their men, Shakhov recommends that women do not demand the truth from them, but rather observe their behavior in every situation, what they pay attention to in reality, and not what they say. “Men have long been accustomed to and know that women need to say only what they want to hear, and not the truth,” he concluded.

Previously the host and matchmaker from the Let's Get Married! on Channel One, Rosa Syabitova revealed a proven way to marry a man. According to her, the oldest and most proven way is to become indispensable for him and show how you need him. The host noted that there are several ways to achieve this. For example, to become his “advertising agent”, telling everyone about his merits, or to inspire a man to rely on her fearlessly.

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