Home » Experts explain the accelerated climate change in Russia

Experts explain the accelerated climate change in Russia

by alex

In the northern regions of Russia, warming is going five times faster than in the world, scientific director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics named after V.I. A.M. Obukhov RAS Igor Mokhov.

“In northern latitudes, warming is going faster, this is the so-called Arctic increase. Russia is a northern country. In addition, over the continents, the climate also changes faster, because the ocean is inertial. In the northern regions of Russia – Yamal, Taimyr – it is warming even faster, five times more than in the world, ”Mokhov said.

The scientist added that warming carries both opportunities and risks. “Agriculture has new opportunities, but additional risks arise as climate variability increases. In addition, the frequency of natural hazards is increasing, especially in summer, ”Mokhov said. He added that with warming, the moisture content of the atmosphere increases, precipitation becomes more intense.

Anthropogenic warming associated with the emission of greenhouse gases affects the ecosystem of Russia more strongly than in other regions, Vasily Yablokov, head of the climate department of Greenpeace Russia, told RBC. According to him, this is due to the peculiarities of the climate in the Northern Hemisphere.

“Climate is a multifactorial phenomenon. It is influenced by continentality, land in the Northern Hemisphere is much larger than in the Southern. In addition, the Arctic cap is melting – because of this, the Arctic is warming faster, the air masses in the subarctic and temperate latitudes in our country change, and as a result the weather changes, ”Yablokov said.

The ecologist named the main consequences of warming as dangerous natural phenomena: heavy precipitation, tornadoes, floods, strong winds, dust storms.

Earlier, the director of the Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory (GGO) of Roshydromet, Vladimir Kattsov, said that the rate of temperature increase in the context of climate change in Russia is higher than the world average. Over the past ten years, the growth in Russia amounted to 0.51 degrees, while in the world – 0.18 degrees, he noted.

Changes in the weather have been clearly noticeable over the past 30 years, said in March the deputy director of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. A.M. Obukhov RAS, head of the climatology laboratory at the Institute of Geography RAS, Vladimir Semenov. He noted that in Moscow winters have become warmer and “heat waves” have become more frequent.

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