Experts: Boeing 737 in Indonesia collapsed on impact on water
An Indonesian Boeing 737 that crashed into the Java Sea could have collapsed on impact, the country's National Transportation Safety Committee said, The Straits Times writes .
“If the liner had exploded in mid-air, the debris would have been spread over a larger area,” the experts explained.
As a reminder, on January 9, a plane heading from Jakarta to Pontianak crashed into the water, having flown only a few kilometers. The liner disappeared from radar four minutes after takeoff. There were 62 people on board, all of whom were killed. The pilots did not have time to inform the dispatcher what happened in the air. Ground services did not receive any alarms. It is known that the liner was gaining altitude, but then in less than a minute it dropped sharply by three thousand meters.
According to Dani Saptiadi, an employee of the Agency for Meteorology, Climate and Geophysics, the Boeing 737 got into a powerful thunderstorm front. Strong turbulence, apparently, was the cause of the disaster.