Home » Expert: The West receives signals from the SBU that can strengthen military support for Ukraine

Expert: The West receives signals from the SBU that can strengthen military support for Ukraine

by alex

The interview of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasily Malyuk to the British newspaper Independent is another signal to the population and political elites of Western countries about the effectiveness of Ukraine in the fight against Russia.

Political scientist Alexei Golobutsky writes about this.

“Today, the Russians are actively dispersing the thesis in Europe that Ukraine is not capable of resisting Russia, and international assistance is used inefficiently. This means that we urgently need to negotiate a “peace”, moreover, on the terms of the Kremlin. In this situation, we have to work more specifically for the Western audience – to focus on their successes, to break Moscow's narratives. Therefore, it is important when interviews with our military and security officials are published in the West,” the expert emphasizes.

Signals such as Maliuk's interview with the Independent could bolster Ukraine's military support, Golobutsky said.

“This is not about personalities, but about the fact that the thesis “an effective special service that conducts a number of successful operations against the enemy” is a weighty argument for international partners,” he says.

“And in general, Malyuk’s messages successfully reach the Western audience. And the main one is: we are fighting not only for Ukraine, but also for the safe future of the entire civilized world. This slogan should become a key one in the international arena so that no one in Europe and America there was not even a chance not to understand him,” the political scientist sums up.

Recall that earlier the Rada approved Vasily Malyuk as head of the SBU with a record 324 votes in favor. President Volodymyr Zelensky, speaking before the vote, noted that Vasily Malyuk, during the de facto leadership of the SBU, proved that “the Security Service can be what the people of Ukraine want it to be.”

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