Home » Expert talks about the collapse of the Russian spy network in the West

Expert talks about the collapse of the Russian spy network in the West

by alex

Russian spies can no longer fully operate under diplomatic cover.

After the start of a full-scale war against Ukraine Russian intelligence in Western countries has missed many opportunities, but still has its networks spies.

This opinion was expressed on air by Espresso the head of the “Center for Security Studies “SENSS”, the Minister of Ukraine for Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons (2016-2019) Vadim Chernysh.

He stated that according to analysts, Russia still has its own agent network in the West, but the Kremlin's capabilities are now limited.

“The only thing is that the opportunities for Russians are now changing for the worse, because almost all of the diplomats who were undercover have been identified and are being expelled. And the diplomats who still have the status of diplomats, half of them are known, half are unknown, they work for various intelligence agencies of Russia,” Chernysh said.

He noted that they want to prohibit Russian diplomats from moving outside the countries of their stay, that is, the opportunity to take cover under the roof of international organizations.

“For example, in Vienna there are a lot of them, or in Geneva, Switzerland – where these International UN organizations are located, various international federations, there is an opportunity to take cover, so, of course, it is difficult to work there. But Russians are constantly being squeezed there, so the work models are changing,” he said. he.

Chernysh noted that Russian intelligence officers are looking for countries where it will be easier for their agents to operate.

Several cases where they are detained in the International Criminal Court. Recently in Slovenia, where they exchanged people from Latin America allegedly. cooperate than in other countries. Therefore, they are trying to enter through other regions of the world, but this is a long, painstaking work, and it is not all set up so quickly. – he added.

Recall that it was previously reported that The Kremlin is trying to involve Germans in espionage after the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats.

In addition, we previously reported that Russian spouses were convicted and expelled in Slovenia for espionage with fake passports.

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