Home » Everything is off the rails: a reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suggested what awaits the Russian defense industry

Everything is off the rails: a reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suggested what awaits the Russian defense industry

by alex

The Institute for the Study of War believes that the Russian defense industry may have problems due to sanctions. But a country that produces weapons will never run out of them. However, Russia can get production off the ground. Like, as much as they produced, so much will be used.

This is the opinion 24 Channel was expressed by reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, pilot-instructor, military expert Roman Svitan, noting that the less ammunition and equipment, the smaller the width of the front the invaders will be able to hold. However, the enemy’s only infinite resource is people.

“The Russians have a terrorist resource of approximately 1,000 terrorists per day. There are approximately 1,120 cities in Russia. Even if we put one terrorist in the ranks, then 1,120 Russian military personnel can be supplied to the troops every day,” Svitan said.

Approximately the same number of Russian troops are destroyed daily by Ukrainian defenders.

Putin's Desire< /h2>

Let’s say that the Russians have already started working “on wheels” in the production of ammunition – they produce 5 – 7 thousand shells per day. At the same time, the occupiers use 7–10 thousand ammunition per day. It also talks about Iranian, Chinese and North Korean shells.

Why Putin urgently needs to stop all military operations along the front line? Why are we now hearing calls for “freezing the conflict”? It’s Putin who needs to stop in order to create certain reserves so as not to work “on wheels,” says a military expert.

The president of the aggressor country cannot increase intensity of hostilities. Not only offensive, but also defensive.

Time for “recovery”

In a year, the reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine believes, the invaders may have problems with equipment. They can get almost all the equipment from Soviet warehouses. Restore it, put it back into operation and it will no longer exist. Next, the invaders will be able to use only the equipment that they will produce. 1200 kilometers,” said the instructor pilot.

The Russians understand perfectly well that further destruction of Russian equipment will lead to its complete destruction.< /strong>The same goes for aviation. Such a process is already underway with the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Thus, the Ukrainian military has already destroyed or disabled more than a third of enemy ships.

“The Russian military understands that next year it won’t even be able to carry out defensive measures. They need to stop hostilities, they need to completely recharge for five years,” added Roman Svitan.

This is already for that to prepare for a movement against NATO countries. At least to Europe.

For whom time works

While the Ukrainian army is fighting and has not stopped, time is working for Ukraine. It can begin to work for Vladimir Putin only if Ukraine is either forced, or it itself agrees to stop hostilities – that is, to freeze the war.

Then time will work for Putin. Moreover, every day 5 – 7 thousand shells will go to warehouses, and then they will be able to use 60 – 70 thousand of them daily again, says the reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Production of Russian weapons: news

  • The aggressor country can produce 250 thousand artillery ammunition monthly. This is about three million per year. This is three times more than the EU and the US can provide to Ukraine.
  • The Institute for the Study of War is convinced that the Russians will try to mass-produce advanced guided bombs. The enemy wants to increase their use at the front.
  • As CNN reported, the invaders began to increasingly use FAB-1500 – high-explosive bombs. This weapon is three times more powerful than the KAB-500.

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