Home » “Everyone failed”: Russian political scientist on the consequences of “Putin’s elections”

“Everyone failed”: Russian political scientist on the consequences of “Putin’s elections”

by alex

According to the expert, the result of the "elections" will not be an “additional injection of legitimacy,” but rather the complete delegitimization of Putin.

In Russia today, March 17, “Putin elections” are taking place. All opposition candidates are absolutely loyal to the Kremlin.

What are the consequences of the so-called “elections” for the Russian Federation, explained Russian oppositionist, political scientist and political strategist Abbas Gallyamov, reports FREEDOM.

“The entire system of the electoral commission, the political parties that nominate candidates and seem to be able to deny the results of the elections, prove that they were dishonest, are also controlled by the Kremlin. All these “opposition” candidates are absolutely loyal to Putin, and, of course , none of them will oppose, they refused to nominate independent observers for these elections…

But, to be honest, they (Putin’s associates. – Ed.), of course, happily failed this whole story, because the protest mood in the country is intensifying, it is this that determines the agenda,” Gallyamov said.

According to his information, even those few independent observers who miraculously remained and infiltrated the polling station began to be recalled from the first day of voting.

According to the expert , the election result will not be what Putin wanted. This is evidenced by the massive damage to ballots and incidents of various actions (arson, etc.) at polling stations.

“The result of these elections will not be an additional injection of legitimacy, for which, in essence, all this began, but, on the contrary, complete delegitimization. People, of course, will have a very strong feeling that Putin, the popularly elected president, is not popular , but a usurper and a falsifier,” summed up Abbas Gallyamov.

Earlier, The Wall Street Journal explained how events in the Russian Federation will unfold after Putin’s victory.

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