Home » Events in Dagestan indicate a weakening of authoritarian control in the regions of the Russian Federation – ISW

Events in Dagestan indicate a weakening of authoritarian control in the regions of the Russian Federation – ISW

by alex

The reaction of the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, to the anti-Semitic riots on October 29 in Dagestan suggests that Russian officials may be increasingly concerned about the weakening of authoritarian control in regions on the Russian periphery.

This was reported by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Kadyrov responded to the unrest in Dagestan by backing Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's claim that the West engineered the situation to destabilize Russia.

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Kadyrov later called on Chechen security forces to immediately detain instigators of any potential unrest in Chechnya or “fire three warning shots in the air, followed by a fourth shot in the head.”

“Kadyrov’s response to the unrest in Dagestan suggests that he is primarily concerned about maintaining the perception of his unwavering support for Putin and, secondly, demonstrating the strength of his authoritarian rule in Chechnya by threatening a violent response to possible future unrest,” they note. analysts.

Earlier, a series of anti-Semitic rallies took place in the North Caucasus (Degestan) of the Russian Federation.

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