Home ยป Europe's blackmail continues: Makogon on rising gas prices

Europe's blackmail continues: Makogon on rising gas prices

by alex

General Director of the Ukrainian GTS Operator Serhiy Makogon commented on high gas prices in Europe.

According to him, given the situation on the stock exchanges, the conclusions are obvious: the blackmailing of Europe continues with the aim of speedy certification of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2.

& # 8212; Despite sky-high prices for gas in the EU ($ 1,800 per thousand cubic meters), available free transit capacities and statements by the head of the Russian Federation on increasing supplies to the European Union, Gazprom did not book additional capacities for January. Therefore, he does not plan to increase transit to more than 109 million cubic meters per day, which is provided for by the current contract, & # 8212; he explained.

Spot gas prices in Europe are growing by 7% daily. The price increase is taking place against the backdrop of the failure of the Russian company Gazprom to fulfill its promise to increase the volume of gas pumped into European storage facilities.

Gas prices in Ukraine depend on prices at European hubs. Since 2015, our country has been an integrated part of the European gas market and imports from Europe about 30% of the total consumption of natural gas.

At the same time, the President of the Federal Grid Agency of Germany, Johann the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is not possible in the first half of 2022.

According to him, the Nord Stream 2 operator has begun the process of creating a subsidiary in Germany in accordance with the requirements of German law, so the certification process has now been stopped.

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