< IMG Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 finals" Width = "632" Height = "356" SRC = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/01/liga-yevropy-632x356.jpg" Class = "Main-image-thumbnail wp-poost-image" Alt = "Explack LiGi єvropi" srcset = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/01/liga-yevropy-632x356.jpg 632W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/01/liga-yevropy-300x169.jpg 300W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/01/liga-yevropy-768x432.jpg 768W, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/01/liga-yevropy-200x113.jpg 200w, https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-cloads/2023/09/01/liga-yevropy.jpg 1280W "SIZES =" (MAX-WIDTH: 632PX) 100V, 632PX "DecDing =" ASYNC " /> < p > in the Europa League < Strong > 6 and 13 Matches of the 1/8 finals of the tournament will be held, according to which quarterfinals will be determined.
< p > at the stage of the 1/8 finals of the Europa League, 16 Continent clubs — Eight teams directly hit the results of the main tournament, and eight more made their way through the butt matches.
< p > in the 1/8 finals of the Europa League, the schedule offers two matches with the participation of teams in which football players of the Ukrainian national team perform. Roma, for which Artyom Dovbik plays, will meet with the Spanish athletic from Bilbao, and the Greek Olympiacos of the novel Yaremchuk will resist the Norwegian Bude-Glimt.
are now watching < p >< strong >Facts ICTV Offer to familiarize themselves with the schedule of matches of the 1/8 finals of the European League 2024/25. < h2 > schedule 1/8 of the final of the European League and results< h3 style = "Text-align: center;" > first match: Thursday, March 60 ~/h3 > < Table Style = "Border-Collapse: Collapse; Width: 100%; Height: 192px;" > < tbody > < tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 final photo 1" class = "alignnone Size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430298 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/real-sosyedad-e1741184760348.png "Real suction" width = "17" Height = "20" /> Real Sociedad < /TD > < td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" > 1: 1
< td style = "width: 41.7617%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 finals of photo 2" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430301 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/manchester-yunajteed-e1741184840933.png" Manchester United "Width =" 18 "18" height = "18" /> Manchester United < /td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 finals photo 3" Lazy "class =" alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-543033 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/az-ilkmar-e1741184924362.png "az alkmar" width = "20" height = "10"/> < strong > alkmar < td > 62 > 62 ~ < td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" > 1: 0
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 4" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-3642034 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/12/580b57fcd99996e243c43c43c4ee-e1568309124501.png" Tottenge "Width =" 23 "23" 23 " Height = "23" /> Tottenham hotspur < /td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 5" LAZY "class =" alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-54303 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/fenerbahche-e1741185020716.png "Alt =" Fenerbach. width = "18" height = "18" /> phenyerbahch < /td > < td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" > 1: 3
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 6" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-54303 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/rejndzhers-e1741185092790.png "rangers" width = "18" height = "18"/> < strong > rangers < strong >< td > 62 > 62 > 62 >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 7" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-5430307 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/fksb-e1741185148449.png "FKSB" width = "17" height = "21" /> fsb < /td > < td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" > 1: 3
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 finals photo 8" Lazy "class =" alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-3610576 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/29/29/580b57fcd99996E243C4D3-E1567064230770.png" LION "Width =" 15 "15" 15 "15" Height = "17"/> < strong > lion
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 9" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-3610567 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/29/ajax_logo-e1567064209792.png "ALT =" AYAK " width = "13" height = "17" /> ajax < /td > < td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" > 1: 2
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 10" LAZY "class =" alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-5430319 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/ajntraht-e17411856330.png "Aintracht" width = "18" height = "18"/> < strong > intracht < td > 62 > 62 >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 11" LAZY "class =" alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-5430322 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/viktoriya-plzen-e1741185861804.Png " alt = "v. Plzen" width = "14" height = "19" /> Victoria plzen < td > < td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" > 1: 2
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 finals photo 12" LAZY "class =" alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-5430320 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/laczio-e1741185730242.png "alt =" Latsio " width = "21" height = "14"/>< strong > Lazio
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo Loading =" Lazy "class =" alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-5430323 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/roma-fk-e1741185936694.png "Alt =" Roma FC FC " width = "14" height = "18"/> < strong > rum < strong >
62 > 62 > 62 ~ < td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" >2: 1
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo Loading =" Lazy "class =" alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-5430324 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/atletik-bilbao-e1741185989690.png " Alt = "Attlet Bilbao" width = "16" height = "18" /> athletic Bilbao < td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< TD Style = "Width: 35.6044%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 15" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-5430325 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/bude-glimt-e1741186043399.PNG " Alt = "Bude-glimt" width = "18" height = "18"/> < strong > will be-glyimt < strong >
62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62< td style = "width: 10.0626%; height: 24px;" > 3: 0
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 finals photo 16" LAZY "class =" alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-5430328 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/olimpiakos-e1741186096478 alt = "olimpіakos" width = "17" height = "21" /> Olympiacos < td >
< h3 style = "Text-align: center;" > response matches: Thursday, March 13 ~/h3 > < Table Style = "Border-Collapse: Collapse; Width: 100%; Height: 192px;" > < tbody > < tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< td style = "width: 35.9464%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 finals photo 16" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430328 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/olimpiakos-e1741186096478.png" alt = "olimpіakos" Width = "17" Height = "21" 21 "21" /> Olympiacos < /TD > < td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 15" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-5430325 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/bude-glimt-e1741186043399.PNG " Alt = "Bude-glimt" width = "18" height = "18" /> wood-glyimt < td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< td style = "width: 35.9464%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 final photo 10" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430319 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/ajntraht-e174118563306.png" Aintracht "Width =" 18 "Height =" 18 "/> 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 Aintracht
< td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 9" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-3610567 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/29/ajax_logo-e1567064209792.png "ALT =" AYAK " width = "13" height = "17" /> ajax < /td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< td style = "width: 35.9464%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 final photo 12" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430320 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/laczio-e1741185730242.png" Latzio "width =" 21 "Height =" 14 "/> 62 > Lazio < td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 finals photo 11" LAZY "class =" alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-5430322 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/viktoriya-plzen-e1741185861804.Png " alt = "v. Plzen" width = "14" height = "19" /> Victoria plzen < td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 19: 45
< td style = "width: 35.9464%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 finals of photo 14" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430324 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/atletik-bilbao-e1741185989690.png" Alt = "Attake Bilbao" Width = "16" 16 height = "18" /> athletic Bilbao < /td > < td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 13" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone Size-Full WP-IMAGE-5430323 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/roma-fk-e1741185936694.png "Alt =" Roma FC FC " width = "14" height = "18" /> rum < /td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< td style = "width: 35.9464%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 finals of photo 2" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430301 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/manchester-yunajteed-e1741184840933.png" Manchester United "Width =" 18 "18" height = "18" /> Manchester United < /td > < td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 final photo 1" class = "alignone Size-phull WP-IMAGE-5430298 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/real-sosyedad-e1741184760348.png "Real suction" width = "17" Height = "20" /> Real Sociedad < /TD >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< td style = "width: 35.9464%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 final photo 8" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-3610576 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/29/29/580b57fcd99996E243C4D3-E1567064230770.png" LION "Width =" 15 "15" 15 "15" Height = "17" /> lion < /td > < td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 7" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-5430307 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/fksb-e1741185148449.png "FKSB" width = "17" height = "21" /> fsb < /td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< td style = "width: 35.9464%; height: 24px;" >< IMG Title = "League of Europe-2024/25: schedule and results of matches of the 1/8 final photo 4" Lazy "class =" alignnone size-phull WP-IMAGE-3642034 " src = "https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/12/580b57fcd99996e243c43c43c4ee-e1568309124501.png" Tottenge "Width =" 23 "23" 23 " Height = "23" /> Tottenham hotspur < /td > < td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 finals photo 3" Lazy "class =" alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-543033 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/05/az-ilkmar-e1741184924362.png "az alkmar" width = "20" height = "10" /> alkmar < /td >
< tr style = "height: 24px;" > < td style = "width: 12.5713%; height: 24px;" > 22: 00
< TD Style = "Width: 35.9464%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 final photo 6" Loading = "Lazy" class = "alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-54303 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/rejndzhers-e1741185092790.png "rangers" width = "18" height = "18" /> rangers < /td > < td style = "width: 9.72062%; height: 24px;" > ~
< TD Style = "Width: 41.7617%; Height: 24px;" >< Img Title = "Europa League-2024/25: schedule and results of the 1/8 finals photo 5" Lazy "class =" alignnone SIZE-Full WP-IMAGE-54303 "SRC =" https://cdn.fakty.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/05/fenerbahche-e1741185020716.png "Alt =" Fenerbach. width = "18" height = "18" /> phenyerbahch < /td >
< p > matches of the quarterfinals of the Europa League will be held on April 10 and 17, the semi -finals are scheduled for May 1 and 8, 2025.
< p > final match of the Europa League of the season-2024/25 will be held on May 21, 2025 in Bilbao at the San Mamam stadium, which accommodates 53 thousand spectators. < p >
< p >